Monetize your blog professionally- 10 tips to improve common blogging mistakes

The Digital era has brought so many advantages and has made things easier like never before. Technology has boosted the way of living and people are now able to earn right by sitting at their homes.

Since the pandemic of coronavirus, there has been an upward surge in the implementation of ‘remote work’ indirectly turning people towards online business options.

Blogging was one of them! And this rapidly has become one of the most successful careers among entrepreneurs and job-hunters!

Starting a blog is not rocket science but also, this is not a no-brainer. 

Making money with the help of the blog could take months- years of efforts and creating a successful blog takes time. This could be a time-consuming yet intimidating process for the beginners.

But here you must understand this, no one is born a master! With the steady learning and skill polishing, you can learn running a blog successfully with time.


Generally, blogging can be understood as the writing, photography, or any other type of media that is self-published online. This is an opportunity for the individuals to write dairy-style entries but now this has become an integral part of the businesses’ websites.

Blogs can be of different types. This is basically a discussion or the informational website that is published on the World Wide Web and is available to the audience via several internet resources. On the blog website, you can witness the reverse chronological order of the blogs so that the most recent blog appears on the top.

Wix, WordPress, LinkedIn, Medium, Weebly, Blogger, and Ghost are some of the known free blogging site that you can use for your own blog!

Be it the food blog or the travel one, you can write on any niche that attracts you the most. You will find so many inspirational blogs on internet based on fashion, beauty, photography, health, personal lifestyle, and DIY crafting.

Since this is an era of reading- writing, and I can bet; a lot of you would be interested in starting your own business- go with the excellent option of blogging!

The experts from top CIPD assignment service Kuwait believe, managing blog could be a little tricky in the beginning and you might feel disappointed with it, but this is absolutely okay! Consistency and determination is the key to success of blog.


Hear me out, starting the blog on the right foot would help you save a lot of time and money so learning about it beforehand is highly recommended! When you take a start with the blog, it may look like one of the most frustrating task requiring several strategies to get monetize.

Since it is the first time of you to step into the blogging, you might end up doing so many common mistakes.

Below I have outlined 10 tips to improve your monetization of the blog.

But before learning the tips, have a look at the common mistakes that you might have been doing after getting started with your blog. The researchers from CIPD assignment writing help also emphasized the bloggers to take care of these things in the future!

Common mistakes done by bloggers:

  • Starting with a wrong blogging platform and not self-hosting the blog
  • Not investing rightly in the camera equipment and software
  • Poor and unimpressive blog design
  • Neglecting the importance of social media
  • Zero focus on the keyword research
  • Ignoring the building of email list
  • Absence of in-depth and engaging content for the targeted audience
  • Out of solid blog monetization strategy
  • Absence of the networking with fellow bloggers and influencers
  • No backlinks
  • Blog visibility is not found
  • Writing the content without proper outline
  • Unresponsive towards the readers
  • Missing the best SEO practices
  • Choosing topics in which audience is not interested
  • Not working over the monetization of your blog beforehand
  • Giving up soon!

These are some common mistakes that are done by the bloggers in the initial stage of the blogging. However this could bring long-term damage to the blog in future!

10 tips to improve the monetization of your blog professionally:

Now let’s have a look at 10 best tips that would help you to monetize the blog and you will overcome these common blogging mistakes.

Affiliate marketing:

Affiliated marketing can turn out to be the best help for you as you would be promoting somebody else’s product via your platform and will be generating a commission for it.

Come up with eBooks:

Just the way Kindle works! Building the blog will increase your audience and you can monetize your blog by creating and selling the eBooks.

Create membership plan:

You can also ask your loyal audience for the membership of your blog. This will quickly monetize your blog and you would be able to make earn money.

Sell the digital products:

Understand the needs of your clients and come up with the solution for their needs. Selling the digital products would be an amazing way to monetize the blog.

Email marketing:

Launch the email marketing of your blog and ask the visitors to subscribe for the email marketing in the future.

Coaching classes:      

You can also ask the visitors for the coaching classes. Grip your hands on your talent and get ready to make the audience learn that from you.

Be an in-demand freelance blogger:

Sell your skills to the recruiters and the agencies. You can work as a freelancer for different digital agencies and can monetize your blog.

Create high-quality content:

Make sure to write high quality content for your blog. The content must be authentic and genuine enough to hook up the audience.

Display ads on your site:

Displaying the ads on your website for different website is also the part of affiliated marketing. For each click and purchase, you will also generate income.

Ask for donations:

You can also ask your visitors for the donation. If you are getting the attention of people and your blogs are worthy enough, ask for the donations for the blog from your visitors.


This ultimate and comprehensive guide is geared towards the tips that could help you in monetizing your blog. Also, the mistakes are also being outlined that could bring damage to your blog so ensure not to do them in your beginning stage. Have a happy blogging year ahead!

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